Are you protecting your skin against eczema?

Are you protecting your skin against eczema?

Are you protecting your skin against eczema?

Skin conditions can cause itching, anxiety, and in a few cases, embarrassment. But, skin problems such as eczema are common across the world. At least 31% of people in the US suffer from eczema. Around 20% of children and 3% of the adult population have some form of eczema or another worldwide. Those living in colder climates or extremely hot climates may face harder challenges with eczema as extreme weather can exacerbate the condition.

Several triggers cause eczema, and it can be a gradual progression till the skin breaks out in rashes and even open sores. However, one cannot always avoid all products that we use in our daily lives. Other allergens in the environment, such as mold and pollen, may also be triggers. Whatever the cause, the skin will need soothing, if not medication through creams and ointments.

Common remedies for eczema

Generally, people with eczema need to use moisturizing lotions regularly. An unscented lotion is usually preferred to minimize skin aggravation. Their skin also tolerates softer fabrics and mild soaps. Using a humidifier helps keep the air controlled at the accepted levels of humidity, which is less than 50%. Other products prescribed by physicians include steroid creams that may be effective and may also have harmful side effects. However, CBD-infused creams are becoming popular as they are found to work well as moisturizers even as they soothe the itchiness.

Can eczema be cured?

Thus far, chronic and subacute eczema have no known cures. Chronic conditions tend to start at infancy and develop as they grow older. It doesn't go away and continues through life with flare-ups on and off. Subacute eczema is when the healing has begun but can flare up if it is not treated. The acute condition lasts a few weeks and is usually the result of skin being sensitive to certain substances.

Eczema is better handled through preventive measures such as controlling the humidity indoors, avoiding soaps and detergents that have harsh chemicals, strong perfumes and keeping your skin clean and moist using a mild or natural oil. Knowing the root cause is the first step towards adopting such measures. It will also help to know if other family members have had to deal with eczema as it can be hereditary, albeit not contagious.

Extremely dry or oily skin by itself does not necessarily lead to eczema. However, they also need to be managed by using suitable products. Ideally, naturally grown and organically produced toiletries are best. Apart from topical applications, our skin receives nourishment from the food we eat and the lifestyle we lead. Therefore, a nutritious diet and exercise can go a long way to maintaining healthy skin. 

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